Sunday, July 25, 2010

Road Trip For Paige

Yesterday we began our road trip to St. Louis to pay honor to Paige and her family. Last night we stopped in Lincoln our half way mark to rest up for the other half of our journey today. My parents blessed us with warm meals, clean towels, and most of all a home to rest our weary bodies. Just north of their home is a park and we were able to strenght our legs and play frisbee. For me of course it was great to be with both my family and Bike & Build family together. Today we will continue to St. Louis for the viewing and memorial tomorrow. I am very greatful for everyone who has made it possible for the P2S10 family to travel all the way to St. Louis. We are truley blessed because of it. I know these next couple of days will be hard and seeing Paige again will bring back memories of the accident. But together we will make it through.


  1. Haley,
    Speaking for your Redeemer family, know that we are all keeping you, Paige's family, your P2S10 Team, and the Bike and Build Organization in our prayers. I will submit a prayer request this morning and continue to keep you all in prayer and thought .... and following your blogs.

    We love you! :-)

    Stan, Margaret, Carlos and Clara Danao

  2. Keep your chin up Hailey! I know that you will get through this with your P2S team, and remember that you are so blessed to have had time with Paige. My thoughts and prayers go out to you, the P2S crew, and Paige's family. Push through the tough times to accomplish the mission you have started together. Safe travels my friend!

  3. Haley, Please thank your parents for me. It means a lot to know that you guys had a home for a night. I feel as if your parents stood in for all of us who have been holding you in our hearts from afar. Please share with the group that you are my heroes. You are really beyond heroes. Your bravery, compassion, love and spirit shine through in amazing ways. May God hold you all in the palm of His hand. Love, Hassan's Mom, Lois Odabas

  4. I am so proud of you and your group. Your bravery and compassion is awesome! My daughter (on the Central route) rides with you as well as the other B&B folks who support you and love you. Keep safe!

    Carolyn Frings

  5. Love you, testing for mom.
