Friday, July 2, 2010


Today was my first successful long day! I was suppose to be driving today but because another co-leader's knee was in pain we switched drive days. Therefore today was a day to see how far I could go. Overall the route was pretty flat. Not much hills along the way. The further west we get the more the surrounding reminds me of home. Yesterday I even saw a sign for Indianapolis. Today Alex's parents were nice enough to host us for lunch. It was nice to meet them as well as eat something other then peanut and jelly sandwiches for lunch. Lunch was pretty far into the ride at about 52 miles but it was nice to only have 40 miles left afterwards. After lunch I rode with Maddy and we picked up the pace. We created some songs and just had a good time. I am learning how much I love bike paths. Well at least ones we can find. On one of the paths we met these two guys who were biking from Cincinnati to Springfield. Come to find out that there is a path that goes the whole distance. I'm thinking that maybe this fall I will have to come back and bike it. If anyone is up for it let me know. I would love some fellow riders.Well I don't know much else. After a 92 miles day sleep is almost all I can think of. Tomorrow is a build day and then we have a 100 mile on July 4th into Indiana. I can't wait to see everyone in a couple of day.


  1. I'm really looking forward to seeing you on Monday afternoon/evening! And I may even get up early on Tuesday to help with breakfast. I'm only 3 blocks from RL now, so it's an easy walk! Have a great build day and see you soon!!

  2. Hi, Hailey! I am glad you are doing better after your difficulties around Binghamton! God bless! Ann Blair, Binghamton
