Saturday, June 19, 2010

Still Strong

After hills and more hills we came to a beautiful lake where we had to show how strong we are. We were quite successful if I do say so myself.


  1. Hi Hailey---you don't know me, but I am Brian Hochman's mom, and I have just been cruising around on the bike and build site online. So far everyone appears very happy, and I wish you & the group a happy & safe ride this summer. I have a favor to ask---Tomorrow (6/22) is Brian's 24th birthday, and I know he would like to have it recognized (he is such a ham)Seriously, though, it would be great if the group/leaders do something for his birthday.

    When he did the habitat for humanity ride, I attempted to have chocolate delivered to the place they would be on his birthday & it ended up to be such a fiasco!

    I appreciate your help and, again, I wish you & the group a great ride! Deborah Hochman

  2. I love this picture!
